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make an end of中文是什么意思

用"make an end of"造句"make an end of"怎么读"make an end of" in a sentence


  • 终止, 结束, 除掉


  • He thought he had made an end of the little grasshopper .
  • When we had made an end of our meal, my uncle ebenezer unlocked a drawer, and drew out of it a clay pipe .
  • Let ' s make an end of this foolish quarrel
  • We must make an end of this pile of rubbish
  • But this time he was determined to make an end of the torture
  • And when he had made an end of prophesying , he came to the high place
    撒上10 : 13扫罗受感说话已毕、就上邱坛去了。
  • Now they will make an end of him ! anyhow , he will die hard
  • How long will it be ere ye make an end of words ? mark , and afterwards we will speak
  • Any way , we shall soon make an end of him ; he wont come again , said the old soldier , yawning
    “一切都快到头啦,他不能横行了。 ”那个老兵打着哈欠说道。
  • But with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of nineveh ; he will pursue his foes into darkness
    8 [和合]但他必以涨溢的16洪水淹没尼尼微,又驱逐仇敌进入黑暗。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"make an end of"造句  


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